# Template language and variables > Available since: version 6.1 The following variables are available to be used in "text" OS Template assets, with the "Advanced" template type. This mechanism replaces the old [legacy template variables](legacy_variables_glossary), which are now DEPRECATED. The new mechanism supports more advanced functionality such as conditionals, iterations etc. > Note that MetalSoft provides most of the templates already so their manual creation is not necessary in most situations. Refer to [Managing OS templates](managing_os_templates) for more details. The template language uses the **Nunjucks** language which is a subset of "Jinjia2" language which is used by many solutions. Refer to the [Nunjucks](https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/) documentation for a complete reference of the language capabilities. This template language is used currently only used for OS templates but will be implemented for Switch provisioning as well as Workflows. ## Example usage The variables are accessed in blocks such as this one: ```jinja {% for interface in network_configuration.interfaces. %} {% for address in interface.ipv4_addresses %} address: {{address.ip}} netmask: {{address.netmask}} gateway: {{address.gateway}} {% endfor %} ``` For a real world example of this in action see [This template](https://github.com/metalsoft-io/os-templates/blob/main/Ubuntu/22.04/oob-adv-uefi-boot/user-data). You can also directly access variables using the full path for a simpler scenarios: ```jinja {{network_configuration.interfaces[0].ipv4_addresses[0].ip}} ``` ## Reference Refer to [Template Variables Object Schema](template_vars_schema) for a detailed description of the fields. ## Example objects and their content The following are examples of objects and how they are populated. ```yaml --- resource_template_version: 0.5.0 ###################################################################### datacenter: name: us-chi-qts01-dc dns_servers: - - ntp_servers: - web_proxy: server_ip: server_port: 3128 username: test password: test repo_url_root: http://repo.test.com repo_url_root_quarantine_network: http://repo.test.com nfs_server: # The Windows KMS server hostname. kms: samba_server: samba_server_ip: # samba_server_hostname: # omit the key if it has no value samba_server_password: bobspasswd samba_server_username: bob samba_server_windows_kit_share_name: mount ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # User user_ssh_key: [] user_custom_variables: [] ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Cluster management_ssh_key: test-key ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Infrastructure infrastructure_id: 682 infrastructure_label: my-infrastructure infrastructure_subdomain_permanent: infrastructure-682.us01.metalsoft.io infrastructure_custom_variables: [] ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Instance_array instance_array_id: 1376 instance_array_label: instance-array-1376 instance_array_subdomain_permanent: instance-array-1376.us01.metalsoft.io instance_array_custom_variables: [] # instance_array_firewall_managed: true ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Instance instance_id: 20 instance_label: instance-22 instance_subdomain_permanent: instance-22.us01.metalsoft.io instance_subdomain_base: us01.metalsoft.io initial_username: ubuntu initial_password: ChangeME-00 iscsi: initiator_iqn: iqn.1993-08.metalsoft.ausscbmubuntu02:init01 chap_username: myuser chap_password: mypassword instance_custom_variables: [] ###################################################################### ###################################################################### server: type: M.48.64.1 serial_number: 78F7382 disks: - id: 25 size: 931 vendor: dell serial_number: 6d0946605eb1fc002b983df42ef8b4d7 # wwn: # omit the key if it has no value disk_type: logical_volume # ssd | hdd | nvme - id: 26 model: HUS726020AL5211 size: 1863 vendor: HGST serial_number: 5000cca245039dc0 # wwn: # omit the key if it has no value disk_type: ssd # hdd | nvme | logical_volume network_interfaces: - interface_index: 0 protocol: ethernet capacity: 1 # Gbit/s mac_address: 6c:2b:59:81:27:25 - interface_index: 1 protocol: ethernet capacity: 1 # Gbit/s mac_address: 6c:2b:59:81:27:26 - interface_index: 2 protocol: ethernet capacity: 10 # Gbit/s mac_address: 6c:2b:59:81:20:70 - interface_index: 3 protocol: ethernet capacity: 10 # Gbit/s mac_address: 6c:2b:59:81:20:71 ###################################################################### ###################################################################### storage_configuration: # if not specified, the default is the first disk # one of the options ( id | size ) install_disk: id: 26 size: smallest # largest serial: 5000cca245039dc0 path: /dev/sdb # the disk partition layout is per OS type layout: lvm # lvm | direct | custom ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # Single WAN interface connected, single ip network_configuration: interfaces: - network_type: wan network_id: 10 network_label: wan interface_index: 0 interface_type: physical type_interface_id: 0 mac_address: 6c:2b:59:81:27:25 dhcp4: false dhcp6: false # optional: false by default # Designate the connection as “critical to the system”, # meaning that special care will be taken by to not release # the assigned IP when the daemon is restarted. # critical: true mtu: 1500 ipv4_addresses: - ip: cidr: netmask: mask_bits: 24 gateway: routes: # - to: # via: - to: via: # metric: 200 on_link: true # table: 72 dns_nameservers: addresses: - - search_domains: - poc.metalsoft.io ###################################################################### ```