# Using the Terraform provider This is a terraform plugin for controlling Metalcloud resources. * [MetalCloud Terraform provider documentation](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/metalsoft-io/metalcloud/latest/docs) ## Using the Provider A terraform `main.tf` template file, for an infrastructure with a single server would look something like this: ``` # List required providers terraform { required_providers { metalcloud = { source = "metalsoft-io/metalcloud" version = "1.0.17" } } } # Configure the metalcloud provider provider "metalcloud" { user_email = var.user_email api_key = var.api_key endpoint = var.endpoint } # Identity the ID of the volume template we want data "metalcloud_volume_template" "centos76" { volume_template_label = "centos7-6" } resource "metalcloud_infrastructure" "my-infra92" { infrastructure_label = "my-terraform-infra92" datacenter_name = var.datacenter # Remove this to actually deploy changes, otherwise all changes will remain in edit mode only. prevent_deploy = true shared_drive { shared_drive_label = "my-shared-drive" shared_drive_size_mbytes = 40965 shared_drive_storage_type = "iscsi_ssd" shared_drive_attached_instance_arrays = ["web-servers","web-servers-2"] } instance_array { # Name of your cluster. Needs to obey DNS rules as it will translate into a DNS record. instance_array_label = "web-servers" instance_array_instance_count = 1 instance_array_ram_gbytes = 2 instance_array_processor_count = 1 instance_array_processor_core_count = 2 drive_array{ drive_array_label = "web-servers-centos" drive_array_storage_type = "iscsi_hdd" # The size of the drive array in MBytes drive_size_mbytes_default = 49000 # The id of the template we located earlier volume_template_id = tonumber(data.metalcloud_volume_template.centos76.id) } #one or more FW rules. By default all traffic is denied so we need at least one entry. firewall_rule { firewall_rule_description = "test fw rule" firewall_rule_port_range_start = 22 firewall_rule_port_range_end = 22 firewall_rule_source_ip_address_range_start="" firewall_rule_source_ip_address_range_end="" firewall_rule_protocol="tcp" firewall_rule_ip_address_type="ipv4" } } instance_array { # Name of your cluster. Needs to obey DNS rules as it will translate into a DNS record. instance_array_label = "web-servers-2" instance_array_instance_count = 1 instance_array_ram_gbytes = 2 instance_array_processor_count = 1 instance_array_processor_core_count = 2 drive_array{ drive_array_label = "web-servers-centos-2" drive_array_storage_type = "iscsi_hdd" # The size of the drive array in MBytes drive_size_mbytes_default = 49000 # The id of the template we located earlier volume_template_id = tonumber(data.metalcloud_volume_template.centos76.id) } #one or more FW rules. By default all traffic is denied so we need at least one entry. firewall_rule { firewall_rule_description = "test fw rule-2" firewall_rule_port_range_start = 22 firewall_rule_port_range_end = 22 firewall_rule_source_ip_address_range_start="" firewall_rule_source_ip_address_range_end="" firewall_rule_protocol="tcp" firewall_rule_ip_address_type="ipv4" } } } ``` Initialize the provider with your API key and the api endpoint either by using environment variables or -var. ```bash export TF_VAR_api_key="" export TF_VAR_user_email="test@test.com" export TF_VAR_endpoint="https://api.env.metalsoft.io/metal-cloud" export TF_VAR_datacenter="uk-reading" ``` Initialize the provider: ```bash terraform init ``` To deploy this infrastructure export the following variables (or use -var): The plan phase: ```bash terraform plan ``` The apply phase: ```bash terraform apply ``` To delete the infrastrucure: ```bash terraform destroy ```