# Managing variables and secrets Variables and Secrets have many uses. They allow the user to provide dynamic assets during deploy and provide means to change the way stage definitions behave. A stage definition can change a variable and another stage definition can use it. During provisioning a number of [built-in variables](/content/configuration/os_templates/legacy_variables_glossary) are also exposed. ## Referencing variables The variables and secrets are referenced by name in various places including in assets such as `{{MY_VAR_NAME}}`. Variables are read-write and they can be altered at any time. ## Referencing secrets Secrets are identical to variables except they are write only. They can be replaced at any time but they cannot be retrieved and are encrypted. ## Creating a variable from console input This will ask the user for the variable content to be inputed on the command line. ```bash metalcloud-cli variable create --name test2 Variable content: ``` ## Creating a variable using a pipe This will create a variable using the echo's output as content: ```bash echo "" | metalcloud-cli variable create --name vcenter --pipe ``` ## Creating a secret from user input The following will read the content from console but it will mask the user's input. No output will be shown but the content will be read. ```bash metalcloud-cli secret create --name test3 Secret content: ``` ## Creating a secret from pipe ```bash echo "Basic YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvckB2c3BoZXJlLmxvY2FsOkRlbGxSMGNrcyE=" | metalcloud-cli secret create --name vcenter_creds --pipe ```