# Tutorial: Switch only operation with Dell Enterprise SONiC in GNS3 This tutorial will walk you through the steps needed to build up a topology in GNS3 and use MetalSoft to control the fabric. ## Prerequisites For this tutorial you will need a [working CLI setup](/content/overview/installation/using_the_cli). The tutorial doesn't use ZTP due to complications with L2 setups on laptops thus the switch needs to be already configured with: 1. Management interface In addition, if EVPN is used the following must be configured: 2. A VTEP interface 3. A ASN 4. A Loopback interface And provided below to the switch as configuration. ## Download and install the agent OVA agent: 1CPU 4GB RAM 1. click import in VMWare fusion 2. Click Finish Wait until the VM booted up and login to the VM * Username: `root` * Password: `MetalsoftR0cks@$@$` DHCP is enabled by default. If necessary edit the netplan `/etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml` file (OS is Ubuntu) to suit your needs. ### Configure the agent 1. create a file such as `local-dc.yaml`. Most of the settings can be left as they are. Modify just the `BSIMachinesSubnetIPv4CIDR`, `BSIVRRPListenIPv4` and `BSIMachineListenIPv4List` to match your agent's IP. ```yaml BSIMachinesSubnetIPv4CIDR: BSIVRRPListenIPv4: BSIMachineListenIPv4List: - BSIExternallyVisibleIPv4: repoURLRoot: http:// repoURLRootQuarantineNetwork: http:// SANRoutedSubnet: NTPServers: - DNSServers: - - KMS: TFTPServerWANVRRPListenIPv4: dataLakeEnabled: false latitude: 41.8426112 longitude: 87.6695329 serverRegisterUsingGeneratedIPMICredentialsEnabled: false serverRegisterUsingProvidedIPMICredentialsEnabled: true switchProvisioner: LAGRanges: - 5-25 LANVLANRange: 400-450 MLAGRanges: - 26-27 SANVLANRange: 300-399 WANVLANRange: 100-199 allocateDefaultLANVLAN: true allocateDefaultSANVLAN: false allocateDefaultWANVLAN: true leafSwitchesHaveMLAGPairs: false preventCleanupForVLANs: - 301 - 1602 preventCleanupForVLANsFromExternalConnectionUplinks: - 301 - 1602 preventUsageOfVLANs: - 301 - 1602 quarantineVLANID: 5 storageHasSeparateFabric: false type: EVPNVXLANL2Provisioner zeroTouchRegistrationEnabled: true enableTenantAccessToIPMI: false allowVLANOverrides: true allowNetworkProfiles: true enableServerRegistrationStartedByInBandDHCP: false extraInternalIPsPerSubnet: 0 extraInternalIPsPerSANSubnet: 0 serverRAIDConfigurationEnabled: true webProxy: ip: port: 3128 isKubernetesDeployment: false allowInstanceArrayFirmwarePolicies: false provisionUsingTheQuarantineNetwork: true enableDHCPRelaySecurityForQuarantineNetwork: false enableDHCPRelaySecurityForClientNetworks: false enableDHCPBMCMACAddressWhitelist: true dhcpBMCMACAddressWhitelist: - 6C:2B:59:7C:0F:D3 - CC:48:3A:09:EB:97 defaultServerCleanupPolicyID: 0 defaultDeploymentMechanism: virtual_media defaultCleanupAndRegistrationMechanism: bmc NFSServer: Option82ToIPMapping: {} flags: "" ``` 2. Run `datacenter create`: ``` % metalcloud-cli datacenter create --config local-dc.yaml --format yaml --id local-dc-1 --title "Local DC 1" ``` 3. Get the datacenter auth URL ``` metalcloud-cli datacenter get --id local-dc-1 --return-config-url https://us05.metalsoft.io/api/url?rqi=br._mJHHCUMW7I1kwwNjYNh3HWcpwwvfwVo7RKlQVLGn9PbElV_hxvDq4CE79bFrw70MYmANJmtorHvwupXZG2OWTNm5Eszg84QVq5z8Cm19qU&v=YojW5IXpEARy6VA4_EUHNw&filename=datacenter.json&datacenter_name=local-dc-1 ``` 4. SSH into the agent using the following username and pass: * Username: `metalsoft` * Password: `MetalsoftR0cks@$@$` ``` TODO: add command ``` 5. Check if the agents are now connected ![](/assets/guides/tutorial_switch_only_operation_with_sonic_in_gns3.png) TODO: Show how to create an "unmanaged server type" ## Import metalsoft VM into GNS3 This example uses GNS3 version but should apply to all GNS3 versions 1. Create a GNS3 project ![](/assets/guides/tutorial_switch_only_operation_with_sonic_in_gns3_02.png) 2. Import agent appliance by: 1. Go to on **File** > **New Template** > **Manually create a new template** 2. **VMWare Fusion** > **New** Select the `agent` VM from the list: ![](/assets/guides/tutorial_switch_only_operation_with_sonic_in_gns3_03.png) 3. Click finish ## Build the topology in GNS3 1. Add the agent vm a switch and two hosts. ![](/assets/guides/tutorial_switch_only_operation_with_sonic_in_gns3_07.png) > Note that connecting the agent to the "Cloud" is not strictly required if the virtual machine is connected to the host's NAT the effect would be the same. However zero touch provisioning might not work. ## Register the switch in MetalSoft using the CLI 1. Create a file called `sw.yaml`. Most of the settings can be left to the defaults, you can alter just the `managementAddress` field and the `managementPassword` field. Note also the VTEP, ASN and Loopback fields that need to be set if EVPN is used. ```yaml identifierString: sonic01 datacenterName: local-dc-1 provisionerType: evpnvxlanl2 provisionerPosition: leaf driver: sonic_enterprise managementUsername: admin managementPassword: YourPaSsWoRd managementAddress: managementAddressMask: managementAddressGateway: managementMACAddress: 8c:04:ba:ea:60:c0 primaryWANIPv4SubnetPool: primaryWANIPv4SubnetPrefixSize: 24 primarySANSubnetPrefixSize: 24 quarantineSubnetStart: quarantineSubnetEnd: quarantineSubnetPrefixSize: 24 quarantineSubnetGateway: tags: - tag requiresOSInstall: false isBorderDevice: false isStorageSwitch: false networkTypesAllowed: - wan - san - lan - quarantine LoopbackAddress: VTEPAddress: ASN: 65102 ``` 2. Run `switch create` ``` ./metalcloud-cli switch create --raw-config sw.yaml --format yaml ``` This command might take up to 30 seconds. The switch should now be in active state: ![](/assets/guides/tutorial_switch_only_operation_with_sonic_in_gns3_08.png) ## Create a network profile This is not strictly required but if you decided not to use EVPN this is how you would disable it: 1. If you are reusing an existing datacenter rather than create a new one using the configuration above, make sure to enable network profiles and automatic VLAN allocation by navigating to the **Datacenters** > **