# Retrieving the utilization report Metered utilization is relatively straightforward in the MetalCloud. All resources are utilized on-demand. Some on-demand utilization charges can be overriten by subscriptions such as server subscriptions (rezervations) which lower costs in sustanined utilization scenarios. To access the report access the **Billing section** (infrastructure Editor > Billing): Settings ![](/assets/user/guides/managing_billing_information_2.png) Click on the **Detailed Utilization Report** (infrastructure Editor > Billing > Utilization report) This opens up the utilization report for the current billable account and by default shows totals for all of the infrastructures of the billable user. ![](/assets/user/guides/the_utilization_report_1.png) ## The Detailed utilization report To drill-down to see more information about each infrastructure in particular click on **Detailed utilization report** infrastructure Editor > Billing > Detailed Utilization report) Select the **Infrastructure owner** from the dropdown to view the infrastructures billed to that user. The dropdown is populated with aditional users to which the current user is added as delegate. This allows a single finance department or in reseller situations, a single company to have access to multiple utilization reports of multiple commercial entities. ![](/assets/user/guides/the_detailed_utilization_report_2.png) Select the time interval by clicking ont he dates below and scroll to the desired infrastructure. ![](/assets/user/guides/the_detailed_utilization_report_3.png) This report shows the exact utilization of each on-demand asset. Instances can be covered by "rezervations" which are not shown here. If a server configuration has changed at any given time there will be separate lines for the same instance name. ## Viewing server subscriptions (reservations) To view which **Subscriptions** apply click on the **Utilization Report** (infrastructure Editor > Billing > Utilization report) and then on the **Server Subscriptions**. (infrastructure Editor > Billing > Utilization report> Server Subscriptions) ![](/assets/user/guides/understanding_the_utilization_report_4.png) These subscriptions will override the pricing of the on-demand instances they match. For example this subscription will be valid for a period of one year and will automatically renew at the end of that year. Every month a separate charge will be added to the invoice. ![](/assets/user/guides/understanding_the_utilization_report_4.png) The price will depending on the rezervation pricing in place at the time of the creation of the reservation. Rezervations are not affected by on demand pricing changes. ## Automating chargeback or billing in reselling scenarios To automate the chargeback or billing in a reseller scenario use the `resource_utilization_detailed()` API function to retrive the utilization report in a JSON format. Users can also retrieve the current pricing using the `prices()` function. Reffer to the API for more information. Example detailed utilization summary json: ``` { "detailed_report": { "3668": { "data_lake": [ { "cost": "0.00000000", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.00000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-01T14:21:05Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "2592000", "measurement_unit": "seconds", "product_id": 8, "product_label": "data-lake-8", "product_subdomain": "data-lake-8.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "4261", "resource_utilization_gbytes": 0, "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T13:10:05Z" } ], "shared_drive":[ { "cost": "0.23354152", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.00347222", "end_timestamp": "2016-01-25T09:54:39Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": 3600, "measurement_unit": "seconds", "product_id": 779, "product_label": "new-shared-drive", "product_subdomain": "new-shared-drive.test.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity: "242136", "shared_drive_size_mbytes": 51200, "start_timestamp": "2016-01-22T14:39:04Z" } ], "drive": [ { "cost": "1.11383813", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.01601563", "drive_size_mbytes": 41000, "end_timestamp": "2016-02-04T10:31:03Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "3600", "measurement_unit": "seconds", "product_id": 3727, "product_label": "drive-3727", "product_subdomain": "drive-3727.new-drive-array.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "250369", "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T12:58:15Z" } ], "instance": [ { "cost": "7.25925278", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.31000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-02T12:23:00Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "3600", "measurement_unit": "seconds", "product_id": 2416, "product_label": "instance-2416", "product_subdomain": "instance-2416.new-instance-array.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "84301", "server_type_id": null, "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T12:58:00Z" } ], "subnet": [ { "cost": "0.00000000", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.00000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-04T10:30:53Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "3600", "measurement_unit": "seconds", "product_id": 6378, "product_label": "subnet-6378", "product_subdomain": "subnet-6378.wan.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "250376", "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T12:57:58Z", "subnet_prefix_size": 64, "subnet_type": "ipv6" } ] }, "network_report": { "3688": { "data_lake": { "download": { "cost": 0, "cost_currency": "GBP", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "quantity": 0, "metered_waypoints": [ { "cost": "0.00000000", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.00000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-09T08:11:39Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "3600", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "product_id": 8, "product_label": "data-lake-8", "product_subdomain": "data-lake-8.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "0.0000", "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T13:10:05Z" } ] }, "upload": { "cost": 0, "cost_currency": "GBP", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "quantity": 0, "metered_waypoints": [ { "cost": "0.00000000", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.06000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-09T08:11:39Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "3600", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "product_id": 8, "product_label": "data-lake-8", "product_subdomain": "data-lake-8.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "0.0000", "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T13:10:06Z" } ] } }, "network": { "download": { "cost": 0, "cost_currency": "GBP", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "quantity": 0, "metered_waypoints": [ { "cost": "0.00000000", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.00000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-04T10:30:54Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "10800", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "product_id": 8381, "product_label": "wan", "product_subdomain": "wan.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "0.0000", "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T12:57:59Z" } ] }, "upload": { "cost": 0, "cost_currency": "GBP", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "quantity": 0, "metered_waypoints": [ { "cost": "0.00000000", "cost_currency": "GBP", "cost_per_unit": "0.06000000", "end_timestamp": "2016-02-04T10:30:54Z", "is_reservation": "0", "measurement_period": "10800", "measurement_unit": "gbytes", "product_id": 8381, "product_label": "wan", "product_subdomain": "wan.d-lake.1.integration.metalsoft.io", "quantity": "0.0000", "start_timestamp": "2016-02-01T12:57:59Z" } ] } } } }, "reservation_installments": { "server_types": [ { "cost": 119.81, "cost_currency": "GBP", "created_timestamp": "2016-02-09T11:17:39Z", "end_timestamp": "2016-03-09T11:17:38Z", "server_type_name": "FMCI 4.8", "server_type_reservation_id": 60, "start_timestamp": "2016-02-09T11:17:39Z" } ] }, "infrastructures": { "3688": { "infrastructure_id": 3688, "infrastructure_label": "d-lake", "infrastructure_service_status": "deleted" } }, "end_timestamp": "2016-11-01T00:00:00Z", "start_timestamp": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z" } ```