Adding a new subnet pool

Adding a new subnet pool is relatively strait-forward. Both WAN, LAN and SAN subnet pools can be created. WAN subnets are subnets designed to be reached from outside infrastructures whereas LAN is designed to be private. SAN is an internal type of network on which the servers reach the SAN network.

Adding a new subnet pool using the Admin UI

To create a new subnet pool click “create new subnet” button and fill the appropriate fields.

adding an subnet pool

Adding a new subnet pool using the CLI

The OOB subnet pool is used to allocate IPs on the OOB network to servers. It is advisable not to use routable IP addresses on this network.

datacenter: test-datacenter
size: 24
type: ipv4
routable: false
destination: WAN
manualAllocationOnly: true

Note the manualAllocationOnly that disables automatic allocation to avoid accidental allocation to a user using the automatic settings. The routable flag controls if the IP allocated can be used by the system to check if the OS is installed, to configure the firewall or to SSH into the OS to install applications such as Kubernetes.

Create the subnet using the CLI:

metalcloud-cli subnet-pool create -config ./subnet.yaml --return-id