Managing VMs

Technology preview. Available since: version 6.3 VMs are created from VM Pools. When creating a VM a VM pools is selected that has the appropriate resources available. The host of the VM pool hosts group is selected automatically.

Creating a VM Array

Operating with virtual machines is very similar to operating with bare metal. Drag and drop a VM array onto the canvas to create it.

Virtual networking

VMs can be attached to the same networks as bare metal networks and use the same IP space and in general be used just like bare metal servers with some distinctions:

  1. Network interfaces cannot be created unattached to a network.

  2. While on bare metal network profiles are applied on the physical ports connected to a network, on VMs a virtual network interface is created for every overlay network (VLAN entry) in the associated network profile and there is no concept of bonding.

Accessing the console of a VM

Click on the VM. Click on the Remote Console button.

The console page appears just like with servers.